Hebrew priest blowing Shofar Bible History Explained

Biblical Historical Studies:

The Altars of Elohim

The Tabernacle and its furnishings have prophetic significance for New Covenant believers. The altar is the first piece of furniture in the tabernacle or temple of YAH, and for good reason for it is absolutely essential to His plan. But what exactly is the purpose of YAH'S altar? Is it just to burn animals upon? Is it just a place to give honor to YAH? We are going to delve into the subject of YAH'S altar in this study to see what we can glean from it. Read this enlightening study at the button below.

Altars Of Elohim

Who Was Abraham and Where Did He Come From?

We read in the Epistle of James 2:23, "And the Scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed Elohim, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of Elohim." (cf. Genesis 15:6) If you are interested in learning about the Hebrew patriarch, Abraham, we did quite a bit of in-depth research that reveals some little-known, and perhaps surprising, information based upon both the Bible and the writings of historical scholars. You already know the basics about Abraham. Let's dig deeper into history and answer important questions about our role model and example of faith.

Who Was Abraham?

Was Sarah the Sister and Wife of Abraham?

Is Sarah the sister and wife of Abraham? Apparently Abraham (Abram) didn’t readily learn his lesson about being truthful and trusting Yah to protect him and his wife, Sarah. Scripture records that he told Egypt’s Pharaoh that Sarah was his sister (Gen. 12:11-19). Then, he perpetrates the same ruse with Abimelech, King of Gerar (Gen. 20:1-18). From scripture, there’s no certainty he didn’t do this other times. Yet this had to be the last time he told that fib because Sarah gives birth to his son soon after this incident. He couldn’t very well lie that his sister was tagging along with him when she was the mother of his and her little boy. Clearly, Abraham is shown to be untruthful at times. So we need to carefully take his words with a grain of salt. Scripture never said he was perfect. (Only Yahushuah is perfect and sinless). Nonetheless, he was Elohim’s friend. (James 2:23) Read more here about the background to this question, and a possible answer.

Sarah and Abraham

The Most Important Battle In History

If the average person were asked to name the most important battle in the world's history, their answer might well be the "Battle of Britain" in World War II, or perhaps more specifically the rescue of allied soldiers at Dunkirk. Those with a little more knowledge of the past might point back to the defeat of the Spanish Armada, or even perhaps the victory of Roland over the Moors. While all of these were certainly of great importance in the history of the world, one mainstream theologian has a very different answer. Interestingly enough, Dr. Martin Sicker, in his thoughtful study, "The Rise and Fall of the Ancient Israelite States," points instead to an event in the Biblical history of Israel. Read about this most important battle in the world's history, and why it was so important!

Most Important Battle

Imperative Semantics and Bible Versions

Every day we come upon words that could mean several different things. To determine what a word means we determine its context. For example, the word, "take" means to get into one's possession by force, skill or artifice. Nevertheless, the American Heritage Dictionary gives about 240 different meanings or usages of this word (noun, adjective and verb). Once we determine from the context that it is a verb, we need only to consider which one of over a hundred definitions to give it. However, we have heard and read this word for years and do not have any problem in figuring out its intended meaning. We always seem to know whether it means to capture physically i.e. seize; to win or defeat; to eat or drink; to engage in sex with; to use something for safety or refuge; to require as a basic necessity; etc. We do this almost automatically since our mother tongue is English. We have already stored in the computers of our minds all the facts needed to make such determinations. However, it's much more difficult when we try to do it with words that are foreign to us, for that information is not stored in our minds. So we must slowly and laboriously put it there. This has a great bearing on our interpretation of Scripture, as we explain in this important study on the meaning of words.

Imperative Semantics

Did Israel Reject the Messiah?

A POPULAR MODERN RELIGIOUS SYSTEM believes that at our Savior's first coming, the chosen people of Israel were offered Messiah and the Kingdom of Elohim, but instead totally rejected both. Due to this complete rejection, we are told, the people of Israel were set aside in Elohim's purposes throughout the current age. Is this view accurate? To find the answer, let's determine if any significant number of Israelites have believed in their Messiah. The following facts indicate that large numbers of them did. The Apostle Peter, who wrote his epistle to Israelites, (1 Peter 1:1) "the sojourners of the dispersion," adds in 1 Peter 2:5-9: "Ye also, as lively stones, ARE BUILT UP A SPIRITUAL HOUSE, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to Elohim by Yahushuah… Unto YOU THEREFORE WHICH BELIEVE he is precious... SHOW FORTH THE PRAISES OF HIM WHO HATH CALLED YOU OUT OF DARKNESS INTO HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT." Peter here refers to Old Testament prophecy in Exodus 19:6, where Yah calls Israel "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation." It is Israel who is a royal priesthood and holy nation, Peter says, and clearly confirms that in his day prophecy was being fulfilled in which they were being called out of the darkness of unbelief into the light of Messiah. Yet what about those of Israel who disbelieved? This study provides a Scriptural answer to this issue.

Did Israel Reject Messiah?

The Jewish Gentiles

One of the questions most asked concerning the Jewish people is what is the definition of a Jew? The Detroit Jewish News ran an article on this question entitled, "Who Is A Jew?" (10-10-2013, pp.12-14) The article asked their readers to decide whether the Jews are a race, religion, or culture? It is usually agreed that the Jewish people must be one or more of the three possibilities, but which? This poses an important question for which Jewish leaders are unable to provide a clear answer. In actuality, there seems to be a definite splintering of Judaism into at least three separate, and perhaps largely disparate, directions. Read more about the direction and future of our Jewish brethren.

Jewish Gentiles

Reselling the Birthright

In the Scriptures we are presented with the story of Esau selling both his birthright and blessing to his brother Jacob. Although Esau's sale of his birthright is given only in a brief account, allotted only 94 words in the Hebrew text (Gen. 25:27-34), it was an event of major significance in biblical history. Through his act, all of the wonderful and important covenant promises were "in one fell swoop" transferred for all time directly from Esau's descendants, the Edomites, to Jacob's Israelite posterity. Yet is that birthright and blessing valued today? Here is a sober look from Scripture of the importance of Biblical heritage.

Reselling Birthright

Which Bible? Which Version?

Does the Bible contradict itself? It does, unfortunately, in a number of English translations, but not in the original language texts written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Here we examine the supposed contradictions and see that the alleged problems are completely cleared up in several of the excellent literal Bible translations available today for reading and study.

Which Bible? Which Version?